2024 Intimate Okavango Photo Workshop

Dates: August 31 to September 9, 2024

Short Description: This small group workshop starts in Maun, Botswana and travels through three distinctly different ecosystems in and around the Okavango Delta. This trip is scheduled for the end of the primary tourist season, when it’s easier to spot wildlife (the vegetation will have all dropped leaves), and when the animals are on the move due to declining water resources. We first drive to a remote mobile tented camp in the Khwai area, which has permanent water and where many of the animals will be already at or moving towards. We explore Khwai from the park side, away from the public campgrounds and the crowds. Next, we move our camp to the Moremi Reserve, where the delta flows mostly end in threaded ribbons and pools. We’ll again we use our Land Cruisers to explore this area for three days. Finally, we boat to a luxury lodge deep in the delta wetlands, which we'll explore both on foot as well as by boat. When we’re done, we’ll fly you back to Maun on a private charter in time for your flight home or any extension you might have booked.

This itinerary cherry picks the best of the Okavango in a slightly shorter itinerary and is excellent for Africa first-timers. The small group size of six keeps the trip intimate and special.  

We only put three students in each of our vehicles, so there's generally plenty of room for your gear. Every vehicle has a very experienced local driver guide. Tony Medici, Thom’s long-time teaching assistant will be alternating in the front seat of each vehicle and is the primary instructor for this workshop. You'll have top-level help both photographically as well as in spotting and identifying animals and birds throughout most of this workshop. Tony travels with laptop, projector and screen on this trip, so even in the downtime Tony is teaching pretty much every day. Thom will join us at the beginning of the workshop to get you ready for the trip of a lifetime, and will also join us at Camp Okavango for additional instruction, review, and instructor time. 

bythom int bots moremi April2022 Z50 18097.jpg

Cost: Africa is not inexpensive. We provide first class food, lodging, and facilities throughout, as well as top-level instruction and guiding. We’ve worked hard to keep our prices from experiencing the same inflation you’re probably encountered at home. US$13,295, plus US$350 in park entrance fees and US$390 in internal flight costs. 

Other: This workshop is limited to six students. Two single tents are available at additional cost; all other tents are shared. 

Signups: Call Lisa Laferte at Wilderness Travel (800-368-2794). 2 spaces available.

The full PDF brochure for this workshop can be found here.

 Looking for gear-specific information? Check out our other Web sites:
DSLRS: dslrbodies.com | mirrorless: sansmirror.com | Z System: zsystemuser.com | film SLR: filmbodies.com

bythom.com: all text and original images © 2024 Thom Hogan
portions Copyright 1999-2023 Thom Hogan
All Rights Reserved — the contents of this site, including but not limited to its text, illustrations, and concepts,
may not be utilized, directly or indirectly, to inform, train, or improve any artificial intelligence program or system. 
