Taking a Short Break

With one major task out of my hair and another needing a bit of distance before I start proofreading, I’m going to go mostly silent on the Web sites for the next week or so while I do some testing, photographing, and processing, and yes, maybe a nap or two.

Expect more of this on again, off again schedule through the rest of this year. I’ve been juggling a lot of projects while letting a lot of smaller and behind-the-scenes work go undone, so I need some Interwebs Vacation Time (IVT) to get realigned. Adding another workshop into the schedule, along with another big project, hasn’t helped. And now Nikon has gone and created a new major feature that’s going to take quite a bit of time to document well (I’ve already bounced more than one question that was thrown at me about Auto Capture; I need to do a bunch more testing to make sure my answer is correct and complete). 

Plus, you might have noticed that the front page doesn’t always get updated when the sub-sites update. That’s a sure sign that I’m juggling a bit too much, because that bythom front page is manually done. Manual, as in by Thom. 

What summer vacation? ;~)

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