Generally when I take my periodic offline breaks, I still have some Internet access ;~). I just don't spend much time looking at it.
Instead, what I'm doing on my breaks is testing new gear or visiting new places, and I just don't want the distractions of answering emails and posting new articles. Which is exactly what I was doing during last month's break:
- Testing — The Fujifilm X-S20 and several lenses for it. The Nikon 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR and 26mm f/2.8 (as well as doing some re-testing of the 70-180mm f/2.8). You'll start seeing those reviews starting this week (180-600mm is up first).
- Scouting — My friend in Botswana and I flew his Cessna to an area of the country neither of us have been before, known mostly as the Tuli Block. This is a narrow fringe of land next to Zimbabwe on the Eastern side of Botswana, consisting of private reserves as well as the official Northern Tuli Game Reserve. We spent several days driving pretty much the entire area to see what was on offer there. Expect an article soon on this interesting area within Botswana that almost no one talks about.
Also coming soon: a daily blog about my latest trip.